The Form Designer allows you to link Choices fields to a Data Source that you have previously uploaded. Data Sources can have as many columns as you
Een formule gebruiken
Most advanced Form functions involve the use of a formula. As such it is critical that you understand how to create formulae in order to get the most
Dynamische functies
The Form Designer provides advanced functionality such as: Custom Invalid Messages Your own message to display to the App User if the answer to the
Formulier instellingen
The Settings page is accessed from the “settings” link in the option bar of the Form Designer. You can also enter this page by rolling
Formulieren ontwerpen
After creating a new Form Screen, you will be taken to the Form Design screen. Every Form must have a Form design in order to be published. You
The Form screen type is the primary way that you can build data capture screens on the platform. This allows you to rapidly replace paper forms with