There are two ways to view captured data on a map - via the Dashboard page or view the Data Map page. Dashboard Page You can access this page
Ingevoerde formulieren in tabelvorm bekijken
The Data area contains all data collected from app users filling out Form entries in the field. From this screen you can export the data to CSV
Een nieuwe tabel toevoegen
When you click the Connected Data -> Data Sources link found on the left hand navigation menu, you will be taken to the Data Source list
Keuzevelden (Choices)
In ons systeem lijkt het veldtype Keuzes (Choices) op een Zwitsers zakmes - het is een multifunctioneel veld waarmee keuzes op verschillende manieren
Formule functies
For the latest information on Formula Operators and Functions, check out our built-in reference inside the Formula Builder dialog on our web
Verwijzen naar een veld in een tabel / datasource
The Form Designer allows you to link Choices fields to a Data Source that you have previously uploaded. Data Sources can have as many columns as you
Een formule gebruiken
Most advanced Form functions involve the use of a formula. As such it is critical that you understand how to create formulae in order to get the most
Dynamische functies
The Form Designer provides advanced functionality such as: Custom Invalid Messages Your own message to display to the App User if the answer to the