Screens and all other content is updated on the device at pre-defined synchronisation intervals that occur in the background when the app is
Photos/Videos/Audio files aren’t available on the Data page! Why?
Most likely the files in question have not finished uploading from the app yet. When a form entry is completed, the answer values are prioritised
Does the app work offline (without internet connection)?
Absolutely!Our first customer was a disaster management company, so being able to use the app after a hurricane or flood, with no network
My connectors/jobs don’t run immediately! Why?
Behind our main web platform, we run a set of dedicated worker servers that process platform generated jobs in the background.These jobs are usually
What devices / operating systems are supported?
Native apps are available for Android, iOS and Windows devices.Refer to the details below to see the minimum supported version for each of these
How secure is my data?
Our priority is ensuring that the data you capture on devices as well as store on our platform is as secure as possible. To this end our platform
How do I configure emails from the platform? (From addresses, SPF records and mail rules)
Our platform uses SendGrid as our bulk emailing service, which means that all emails sent from our platform will run through SendGrid and be delivered
How do I connect my account to Google Drive/Spreadsheet/Dropbox/FTP/OneDrive etc?
You must first create a Connection for the target service.Connections are setup at organisation level and thus apply to all connectors that you create