Often when building a template, your formula or placeholder syntax is too long to fit in the designated area of the template. The result is ugly
Outputting Checkboxes, Hyperlinks and Other Special Characters (Unicode support)
Often you will have scenarios where you want to output checkboxes in your template with a tick or a cross corresponding to the answers in a Choices
Built-in Data
Every form entry includes a number of built-in data fields that are available for use in your templates and connectors.Additionally we provide
Charts in Templates
Charts in Excel or Word are not officially supported in our data template functionality. We are aware of some customers having success generating
Supported Fonts and Non-Western characters in Templates
Our template engine only supports fonts that are installed on our servers. Therefore, using fonts that are not supported will result in a default font
App Printing
Generate and print completed Form entries from an HTML template, directly on the app, even while offline. Use our standard Data Template syntax in
Introduction to Data Templates
Inject Attached PDFs into Template Outputs
It's now possible to inject PDF attachments as text into Word/Excel template outputs in unison with field captured data.Upload an