Most advanced Form functions involve the use of a formula.As such it is critical that you understand how to create formulae in order to get the
Forms FAQ
Can I set Choices fields to automatically select an option? Yes, our Forms engine will auto-select a row on Choices fields provided the following
Formula Operators & Functions
For the latest information on Formula Operators and Functions, check out our built-in reference inside the Formula Builder dialog on our web
Dynamic Features
The Form Designer provides advanced functionality such as:Custom Invalid MessagesYour own message to display to the App User if the answer to the
Referring to column values of a selected Data Source row
The Form Designer allows you to link Choices fields to a Data Source that you have previously uploaded. Data Sources can have as many columns as you
Customising In-App Navigation Buttons
Configure up to 4 navigational buttons to control in-app behavior on all screen types (Data Entry, Listing, Details, Mapping, and Board of Icons).When